Borough Park, New York 09/15/13
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 09/15/13
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 09/15/13
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 09/15/13
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 09/15/13
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 09/15/13
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Williamsburg, New York 10/12/14
Children at Sukkat Celebration
Williamsburg, New York 09/22/13
Sukkat Street Fair in Williamsburg
Williamsburg, New York 09/22/13
Sukkat Fair in Williamsburg
Williamsburg, New York 09/22/13
Sukkat in Williamsburg
Williamsburg, New York 09/22/13
Sukkat in Williamsburg
Lower East Side, New York 09/30/93
Sukkat Market on Essex Street
Lower East Side, New York 09/30/93
Chazan David Greenblatt at Sukkat Market on Essex Street
Lower East Side, New York 09/30/93
Sukkat Market on Essex Street
Lower East Side, New York 09/30/93
Sukkat Market, Essex Street. The building in the background is the former home of the socialist newspaper, the Jewish Forward
Lower East Side, New York 10/06/93
Sukkat in alley next to First Roumanian American Congregation, Rivington Street
Lower East Side, New York 10/06/93
Rabbi Moshe Singer, Morris Simkin, Gershon Spiegel marching with Lulav and esrog, Hashanah Rabbah, First Roumanian American Congregation, 10/93
Lower East Side, New York 10/06/93
Hashana Rabba at the First Roumanian American Congregation: Shmuel Spiegel, Jacob Spiegel, Avram Spiegel, Ari Spiegel, Rivington Street
Crown Heights, New York 10/12/14
Torah reading, Hashana Rabbah, 770 Eastern Parkway
Borough Park, New York 10/01/17
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 10/01/17
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 10/01/17
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 10/01/17
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 10/01/17
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 10/01/17
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 10/01/17
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 10/01/17
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 10/01/17
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 10/15/16
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 10/15/16
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 10/15/16
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 10/15/16
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 10/15/16
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 10/15/16
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 10/15/16
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 10/15/16
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 10/15/16
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park, New York 10/15/16
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Borough Park Sukkat Market
Short Hills, New Jersey 10/08/17
Holding the lulav and esrog for Sukkat
Short Hills, New Jersey 10/08/17
Holding the lulav and esrog for Sukkat
Short Hills, New Jersey 10/23/16
Holding the lulav and esrog for sukkat
Williamsburg, New York 10/12/14
Sukkat street fair
Williamsburg, New York 10/12/14
Sukkat Street Fair
Monsey, New York 09/24/13
Sukkat at Kyrias Joel
Monsey, New York 09/24/13
Sukkat at Kyrias Joel
Williamsburg, New York 10/12/14
Sukkat Street Fair
Monsey, New York 09/24/13
Sukkat at Kyrias Joel
Monsey, New York 09/24/13
Sukkat at Kyrias Joel
Monsey, New York 09/24/13
Sukkat at Kyrias Joel
Monsey, New York 09/24/13
Sukkat at Kyrias Joel
Monsey, New York 09/24/13
Sholom Halpert at home in his Sukkat
Williamsburg, New York 09/22/13
Sukkat street fair
Monsey, New York 09/24/13
Sholom Halpert and family at home at Kyrias Joel
Williamsburg, New York 09/22/13
Sukkat Street Fair
Williamsburg, New York 09/22/13
Sukkat Street Fair
Williamsburg, New York 09/22/13
Sukkat Street Fair
Williamsburg, New York 09/22/13
Sukkat Street Fair
Williamsburg, New York 09/22/13
Sukkat Street Fair
Williamsburg, New York 09/22/13
Sukkat Street Fair
Williamsburg, New York 09/22/13
Sukkat Street Fair
Lower East Side, New York 09/22/13
Sukkat market on Canal Street
Short Hills, New Jersey 10/04/15
Holding the lulav and esrog for Sukkat
Short Hills, New Jersey 10/04/15
Holding the lulav and esrog for Sukkat
Crown Heights, New York 10/12/14
Holding the torah on Hashanah Rabbah at 770 Eastern Parkway
Crown Heights, New York 10/12/14
Hashanah Rabbah at 770 Eastern Parkway
Crown Heights, New York 10/12/14
Hashanah Rabbah at 770 Eastern Parkway
Crown Heights, New York 10/15/14
Sitting with a Torah scroll at 770 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, New YOrk
Crown Heights, New York 10/15/14
Girls and women waiting to shake Lulav and Esrog at 770 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, New YOrk